Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Christmas Tree Cake

I made this cake for our Mothers' Club Christmas (OK..."Holiday") party. It was a true feat of engineering, thanks for my phenomenal husband. It was five layers of cake, each carved and supported by a star shaped sheet of plastic (custom cut) in graduated smaller diameters. Then it had a "trunk" supporting it on the bottom to keep it raised off of the ground, and a set of graduated, inset dowels running up through the center of them.

I think this was one of my more original ideas. I ran out of time to fully execute - but considering that this was only my second (I think) attempt with fondant, I think it was pretty ambitious, and turned out pretty well. I wish I had had more time to make ornaments. therwise, I was pretty happy with it.

Unfortunately, it turned out so well, that nobdy realized it was a cake. It was the buffet centerpiece, and until I was cut and served, nobody realized that it had been a cake!

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